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Version: 2.0.0

ABAC Design Patterns

Below you'd find common authorization design-patterns implemented in ABAC, and guides on how to implement them.


Ownership is one of the more common authorization patterns - in which a user can perform actions only on resources they own. There are three easy ways (in addition to writing policy directly as code) to implement ownership in - all are equally valid and it's mostly a matter of taste.

  • Ownership via tenants

    Ownership is defined by having the user and resource belong to the same tenant. While implemented as an ABAC policy behind the scenes - you don't need to actually do so yourself - and you can enjoy the simplified API which treats tenants as a first class citizen.

    Read here on creating and checking permissions based on tenancy.

  • Ownership via list on resource

    The resource has an attribute listing all the user ids that own it. Use a resource-set to check against the list.

    It would look something like this:

    And the permission check (assuming loading the attribute as part of the check) would look something like this:

    const permitted = await permit.check(userKey, "read", {
    type: "file", // The resource name
    attributes: {
    owners: [
    "d08c85a349994aeb89a3f02c08bdb340", // user-1
    "48fb889360604253a5189580b48694cf", // user-2
  • Ownership via list on user profile

    The user profile has an attribute listing all the resource ids that it owns. Use a user-set to check against the list.

Belonging to a group

Groups are a classic ReBAC concept; but ReBAC is a subset of ABAC, and we can often use it to implement group affiliation. The group can be represented as a resource by itself, a tenant, or an attribute of users or resources.

  • Group by tenants

    You can use tenants as groups - having several tenants together form the actual higher level tenant. Those can then be grouped by tenant attributes.

  • Group by attributes

    You can assign users and resources to a group using an attribute like group_id or group_name - Implementation here is very similar to the ownership design pattern.


Once we add ReBAC and groups natively to - those would be the default recommended way to implement groups.

Combining your own OPA Rego code with generated ABAC code

You can generate a custom attributes in Rego, and then use them in an ABAC Userset. For example, when defining a new attribute on users representing whether there is an intersection, instead of using static values in the user editor, we can add something like this in the custom/ directory in your gitops repo:

package permit.custom

default custom_user_attributes["has_intersection"] = false
custom_user_attributes["has_intersection"] := true {
# Convert the two attributes to sets so we can test for intersections
user_attr_set = {x | some x in data.users[input.user.key].attributes["attr_in_user"]}
res_attr_set = {x | some x in input.resource.attributes["attr_in_resource"]}
# Test for an intersection
count(user_attr_set & res_attr_set) > 0

You can then use the new attribute to define a userset, just like with static attributes.


Note that the package name must be permit.custom and the rule name must be custom_user_attributes, as that's where the Permit generated code looks for custom attributes. Other than these two requirements, you can do whatever you want.

Testing locally

Here is a OPA playground link with the above example If you want to play directly with the OPA instance in a PDP, simply expose its port, which is 8181 by default. The API key would be the same one as the regular port. For example:

docker run -it -p 7767:7000 -p 8181:8181 -e PDP_API_KEY=permit_key_XXXXX permitio/pdp-v2:latest

With this, you can send a POST with the input data to http://localhost:8181/v1/data/permit and get all the raw outputs, including policy debug data we use to develop our internal policy. To speed up iteration on the Rego code (when you feel you've done what you can with the playground), you can update your custom policy directly on your local OPA without going through git, for example, http://localhost:8181/v1/policies/custom/example.rego using the same API key.