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Version: 2.0.0

Demo Application

1. Introduction

1.1. The application

The demo application is a simple task management application. To demonstrate the relationship between authentication and authorization, we created a simple to-do application, with authentication already implemented into it based on the Auth0 Next.JS getting started guide. Let’s clone it and run it on your local environment.

Note: While this article does not require you to have Next.JS knowledge, it requires an Auth0 account with a basic configuration, and Node.JS installed in your local or remote environment.

You can see more information about RBAC Permit and Auth0 in this great blog post by Gabriel L. Manor

The full code of the demo application is available here

For our example App, we will create the following roles (it is recommended to use lowercase keys, as keys are case-sensitive):

  • admin
  • manager
  • viewer

1.2. Create the right resources in Permit

In our example, we will set up a todo application, so we will create a task resource with the following actions:

  • get
  • post
  • delete

Setting up roles and resources can be done through the Permit dashboard, by using the Permit API, or with one of our SDKs: Python, NodeJS and more. Additional SDKs are available in the SDK Reference section inside the docs.

1.3. Set up the right permissions in

  • admin should have all the permissions for the task resource.
  • manager will only have get and post permissions.
  • viewer will only have the get permission.

As noted earlier, these permissions can be set up through either the Permit dashboard or by using the Permit API.

2. Run the demo application

2.1. Clone the demo application:

git clone
git checkout auth0-integration

2.2. Put your Auth0 credentials in the .env file

To get your own keys in the desired format, use this link while logged in to your Auth0 account


2.3. Put your Permit credentials in the .env file

You can get your Permit API Key from the projects page by clicking on the three dots on the top right of your environment and selecting Copy API Key.

Get Permit API key


3. How it works

3.1. Auth0

As we want to use Auth0 for authentication, we will use the Auth0 SDK to get each user's information and access token. On the frontend side, we have the Auth0 useUser at index.tsx that will give us the user's information, and the userProvider in _app.tsx that redirects the user to the login page if they have not logged in.

// index.tsx
const { user, isLoading } = useUser();
// _app.tsx
<Component {...pageProps} />

On the backend side, we have the Auth0 auth0 middleware at pages/api/auth/[...auth0].ts that manages all auth0-related requests. We can also access the Auth0 session in any API route using the getSession function, as we did in pages/api/tasks.ts.

// pages/api/auth/[...auth0].ts
import { handleAuth } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";

export default handleAuth();
// pages/api/tasks.ts
import { getSession } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";
export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
const session = await getSession(req, res); // if the user is not logged in, session will be null
if (!session?.user) {
res.status(401).json({ message: 'unauthorized' });

3.2. Permit

As we want to use Permit for authorization, we will use the Permit SDK to get users' permissions and check if they have the right ones. Authorization is only done on the backend side, so we will use the permit middleware at pages/api/tasks.ts to manage all permit-related requests.

// pages/api/tasks.ts
import { Permit } from "permitio";

export const permit = new Permit({
pdp: "",
token: process.env.PERMIT_SDK_TOKEN,
export default withApiAuthRequired(async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse<Task | Task[] | Response>
) {
// Auth0 is checking if the user is logged in (who the user is)
const session = await getSession(req, res);
if (!session?.user) {
res.status(401).json({ message: "unauthorized" });
// Permit is checking if the user has the right permissions (what the user can do)
const isAllowedForOperation = await permit.check(
(session?.user?.sub as string) || "", // the user identifier (Permit user id / or Permit user key, in this example we set the Auth0 user id as the key)
req.method?.toLowerCase() as string, // the action (can be: get, post, delete)
"task" // our resource key
if (!isAllowedForOperation) {
res.status(403).json({ message: "forbidden" });
//... handle the request

4. The integration

Now that we have the user's information and permissions, we can integrate them. We need to make sure that Permit is synced with Auth0 so that each user who logs in will have the right roles and permissions.

4.1. Sync Auth0 with Permit

First, we need to make sure each user that logs into our app is synced with Permit. This will be done in the pages/api/auth/[...auth0].ts file:

// pages/api/auth/[...auth0].ts
import { handleAuth, handleLogin } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";

export default handleAuth({
async login(req, res) {
await handleLogin(req, res, {
returnTo: "/postLogin",

This will ensure that each user who logs into our app will be navigated to the postLogin page. Now we need to sync the user with Permit - add the following code to the postLogin:

// pages/postLogin/index.tsx
export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }: any) {
const session = await getSession(req, res);
const permitUserObj = {
email: session?.user?.email,
key: session?.user?.sub,
first_name: session?.user?.name,
const permitUser = await permit.api.syncUser(permitUserObj);
//... the sync role logic

This will sync the user with Permit, but we must still assign users the right roles. This can be done using this Auth0 guide, which explains how to add roles to a user's token.

Here's a quick recap on how this can be done (Please use the Auth0 guide for a more detailed description):

  • Go to your Auth0 dashboard > Applications > API.
  • Create an API if you don't have one.
  • Click on the three dots on the right of your API and click on settings.
  • Scroll down to RBAC Settings and enable Add Permissions in the Access Token.
  • Click on Save Changes.

In short, you need to navigate to the Auth0 dashboard and create a new rule[your-region]/[your-tenant-name]/rules. The Auth0 rule that you need to add will look like this:

function (user, context, callback) {
const namespace = 'my_app_name';
const assignedRoles = (context.authorization || {}).roles;

let idTokenClaims = context.idToken || {};
let accessTokenClaims = context.accessToken || {};

idTokenClaims[`${namespace}/roles`] = assignedRoles;
accessTokenClaims[`${namespace}/roles`] = assignedRoles;

context.idToken = idTokenClaims;
context.accessToken = accessTokenClaims;

callback(null, user, context);

Now you can see that the session.user object from Auth0 has my_app_name/roles section with our roles (of course, you can set <my_app_name> to whatever you want):

auth0User {
'my_app_name/roles': [ 'admin' ],
nickname: 'test',
name: '',
picture: '',
updated_at: '2023-07-05T10:56:35.831Z',
email: '',
email_verified: false,
sub: 'auth0|64a139da377fefdcbxxxxxxx',
sid: 'I9xntALjR3M37Iw62Lgc3xxxxxxxxxx'

Then when a user logs into our app, we can also sync their roles with Permit by adding the following code just below the permit.api.syncUser function:

    if (session?.user['my_app_name/roles']) {
session?.user['my_app_name/roles'].map(async (roleKey: string) => {
const roleToAssign = {
role: roleKey,
user: permitUserObj.key,
tenant: 'default'
const assignedRole = await permit.api.roleAssignments.assign(roleToAssign);
redirect(res, 302, '/');

Now if you assign a role to a user (Either in Auth0 or in Permit), the user will have the correct roles and permissions. (Make sure you use the exact same role names in both Auth0 and Permit - they are case-sensitive!)

Check out the postLogin page in this example to see the full code.