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Version: 2.0.0


Updates a resource for the specific resource key or id.


ctx - The context of the request.
resourceKey - The unique resource key or the resource id.
resource - An object that contains the information about the updated resource. The payload is defined below.


Name - optional - The name of the resource.
Urn - optional - The URN(Uniform Resource Name) of the resource.
Description - optional - An optional longer description of what this resource respresents in your system.
Actions - optional - A actions definition block, typically contained within a resource type definition block. The actions represents the ways you can interact with a protected resource.
Attributes - optional - Attributes that each resource of this type defines, and can be used in your ABAC policies.
Roles - optional - Roles defined on this resource. The key is the role name, and the value contains the role properties such as granted permissions, base roles, etc.
Relations - optional - Relations to other resources. The key is the relation name, and the value is the destination resource.

resourceUpdate := models.NewResourceUpdate()
resourceUpdate.SetName("New Name")
resourceUpdate.SetDescription("New Description")


resource, err := Permit.Api.Resources.Update(ctx, "resourceKey", *resourceUpdate)