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Version: 2.0.0

Logs Forwarder

In order to forward logs to your preferred logging platform, you can use the Permit Logs Forwarder. Currently we support forwarding logs to ElasticSearch and stdout of the FluentBit container.

What is FluentBit

Fluent Bit is a lightweight, and highly scalable logging and metrics processor and forwarder. Fluent Bit CNCF graduated project under the umbrella of Fluentd. For more information Fluent Bit.

Enabling Logs Forwarder

Use the PDP's values.yaml:

  1. Swtich pdp.logs_forwarder.enabled to true.
  2. Set the pdp.logs_forwarder.type to the desired log forwarder type, elasticsearch or stdout. 2.1 If you choose ElasticSearch, set the to the desired ElasticSearch host. 2.2 If you choose ElasticSearch, set the pdp.logs_forwarder.elasticsearch.port to the desired ElasticSearch port. 2.3 If you choose ElasticSearch, set the pdp.logs_forwarder.elasticsearch.index to the desired ElasticSearch index. 2.4 If you choose ElasticSearch, set the pdp.logs_forwarder.elasticsearch.cloud_auth to the desired ElasticSearch username and password as the following {user}:{password}.
  3. Optional - Set the pdp.logs_forwarder.debug_mode to true to enable debug logs of FluentBit container.

How it works

Once pdp.logs_forwarder.enabled is set to true, the logs will be forwarded to the desired log forwarder type by FluentBit sidecar container. The PDP container will save the logs to /tmp/pdp.log file, and the FluentBit sidecar container will read the logs from this file, filtering the Decision Logs and forward them to the desired log forwarder type.