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Version: 2.0.0

Get resource authorized users ( EAP )

To get all users who have access to a resource, you can use the permit.authorized_users function. This function returns a list of users who have access to perform a specific action on a resource.

The permit.authorized_users function accepts an action and a resource as input, and returns a list of users who have access to perform the given action on the given resource, including the user's role assignments that granted the access:

PDP Version

Please note that the permit.authorized_users function is available starting from PDP version 0.4.0.


This feature is in EAP stage - please contact if us if you want to try it out.

Simple Usage

from permit import AuthorizedUsersResult

authorized_users: AuthorizedUsersResult = permit.authorized_users(
"read", "repo",

The schema of the response in the code above is as follows:

"resource": "repo:*",
"tenant": "default",
"users": {
"user1": [
"user": "user1",
"tenant": "default",
"resource": "__tenant:default",
"role": "admin"

Instance Specific Usage

Similar to the permit.check function, you can also pass the instance of the resource to the permit.authorized_users function. This will return a list of users who have access to perform the given action on the specific given instance.

from permit import AuthorizedUsersResult

authorized_users: AuthorizedUsersResult = permit.authorized_users(
"read", "repo:OPAL",

The schema of the response in the code above is as follows:

"resource": "repo:OPAL",
"tenant": "default",
"users": {
"user1": [
"user": "user1",
"tenant": "default",
"resource": "repo:OPAL",
"role": "admin"

If the user also has access to the resource granted by a tenant level role assignment, the response will also contain the tenant level role assignment, and will look as follows:

"resource": "repo:OPAL",
"tenant": "default",
"users": {
"user1": [
"user": "user1",
"tenant": "default",
"resource": "repo:OPAL",
"role": "admin"
"user": "user1",
"tenant": "default",
"resource": "__tenant:default",
"role": "admin"

Currently, using "authorized_users" works only for RBAC & ReBAC.