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Version: 2.0.0


Creates a new role.


roleData - An object that contains the information about the new role. The payload is defined below.


key - A URL-friendly name of the role (i.e: slug). You will be able to query later using this key instead of the id (UUID) of the role.
name - The name of the role.
description - optional - The description string explaining what this role represents, or what permissions are granted to it.
permissions - optional - The list of action keys that define what actions this resource role is permitted to do.


import io.permit.sdk.openapi.models.RoleCreate;
import io.permit.sdk.openapi.models.RoleRead;

RoleRead admin = permit.api.roles.create(
new RoleCreate("admin","Admin")
.withDescription("an admin role")
new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("document:create", "document:read"))