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Version: 1.0.0


To enforce permissions, you must first create resources and define actions that can be performed on those resources.

Then, you can create roles and assign them permissions for every resource/action combination. These roles can then be assigned to users.

For example: You can have the resource document and the action create for it. We can give permission to an editor role to create a document, and we can assign the editor role to a user named Bob.

This function helps you sync your resources and actions with Permit:

string resourceType = "document";
string actionName = "create";
// define the action title and description (can be empty)
ActionSpec actionSpec = new ActionSpec.Builder()
.withTitle("Create a document")
.withDescription("Ability to create document")
// define the action
HashMap<String, ActionSpec> resourceActions = new HashMap<String, ActionSpec>(actionName, actionSpec);
// define the resource with its actions
ArrayList<ResourceSpec> resourcesToSync = { new ResourceSpec(resourceType, resourceActions) };
// sync the resources to Permit
ResourceList syncedResources = permit.api.syncResources(resourcesToSync);

// SyncResources returns ResourceList type
// {
// "url": string,
// "data": [
// {
// "type": string,
// "description": string,
// "attributes": { },
// "name": string,
// "path": string,
// "id": string,
// "actions": [],
// "isBuiltIn": false
// }
// ]
// }